Thank you for your interest in purchasing a Blackstone griddle or accessory!
Our products have been really popular this year, and with disruptions ian our supply chain everywhere from materials to shipping, it's been really difficult to replenish our stock. We are doing everything we can to get new product available as fast as possible, but unfortunately we are severely understocked at most of our retailers. As our lead times are unpredictable at this point, making it impossible to offer a good estimate of when new product will be available.
We do offer back in stock notifications on our website so that as soon as a new shipment comes in, you'll be able to make a purchase. This can be completed on our website,, and click on the “Notify When Available” button on the right-hand corner of the page. This will set a browser extension to get a notification on your web browser when we have them available again. Make sure that you use the chrome web browser to allow it to function correctly. Many retail websites also offer this feature.
Additionally, is a great resource to assist in finding our products available near you. It compares inventory across multiple stores to show you what is available in your area.