Can I purchase grease cup liners for my 22" Griddle?

Can I purchase grease cup liners for my 22" Griddle?

There are two different dimensions of 22” rear grease cups that have been on the market. The first 22” griddles we released were the first griddles we ever produced to have a rear grease management system. Because it was new technology, it had its own grease cup that is smaller than the 28” and 36” grease cups we use today.

That wasn’t an issue until we started making grease cup liners. In response to that innovation, we created a new, larger 22” grease cup, which is what we use on all new griddles to keep the size universal. That new grease cup is compatible with our grease cup liners. However, if you purchased a 22” griddle that was produced before that change, your grease cup is too small to accommodate the liners.

Here's an image comparing the new style to the old style of grease cup.

The easiest way to tell which grease cup you have is by looking at the proportion of the cup to its hanger. The old grease cup’s side edges don’t extend more than ¼ - ½” beyond the welded-on hanger. If you can lay your finger against the outer edge of the hanger and have it touch the side edge of the grease cup, you have the old hanger that is not compatible with our grease cup liners. Another easy way to check is if the hanging bracket has a small hole punched on the bottom of its right edge, just above the grease cup. The new 22” grease cups have that hole.

If you have the older style of grease cup, we do have the new style available on our website, You can search it by the SKU number, RP 91210, or visit it at this link.

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